#ThisIsFET Zone
Think you need a university or college degree to start out on your dream career? Well, think again!
At the #ThisIsFET Zone at Worldskills Ireland, you’ll learn about the huge number of apprenticeships that are currently on offer across Ireland, including access to new progressive pathways through further education and higher education through tertiary courses.
Covering an array of industries, from nursing to advanced manufacturing, there are a huge number of apprenticeship programmes available to help you navigate the next steps and move closer to securing your dream job.
As well as being able to gain advice from industry experts at the Try-A-Skill area, you’ll be able to try your hand at anything that sparks your interest including film and television, sustainability, engineering and cookery – we have dozens of the most exciting and innovative skills to choose from with real, live demo areas onsite.
Carve out your dream career path and visit the #ThisIsFET zone at Worldskills Ireland 2024!